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Auditory Function and Physiology
T. Teichert & K. Gurnsey (2019). Formation and
decay of auditory short-term memory in the macaque monkey.
of Neurophysiology.
W. Holliday, K. Gurnsey, R. Sweet & T. Teichert (2017).
A putative electrophysiological biomarker of auditory
sensory memory is sensitive to pharmacological alterations
of E/I
balance in male macaque monkeys. Journal of Psychiatry and
T. Teichert (2017). Loudness and time-dependence
of auditory evoked potentials is blunted by the NMDA
channel blocker MK-801. Psychiatry
Research 256:202-206.
T. Teichert, K. Gurnsey, D. Salisbury & R. Sweet (2016).
Contextual processing in unpredictable auditory
environments: The limited resource model of auditory
refractoriness in the rhesus. Journal
of Neurophysiology 116(5), 2125 - 39.
T. Teichert (2016). Tonal frequency affects
amplitude but not topography of rhesus monkey cranial EEG
components. Hearing
Research 336;29-43.
Decision Making and Response Inhibition
E. Kalanthroff, T. Teichert, M. Wheaton, M. Kimeldorf, O.
Linkovski, S. Ahmari, A. Fyer, F. Schneier, G. Anholt, H.
Simpson (2016). The role of response inhibition in
medicated and unmedicated obsessive-compuslive disorder
patients: evidence from the stop-signal task. Depression
and Anxiety, ePub ahead of print.
T. Teichert, J. Grinband, V. Ferrera (2016). The
importance of decision onset. Journal
of Neurophysiology 115(2), 643-661.
T. Teichert & V. Ferrera (2015). A new paradigm
and computational framework to estimate stop-signal reaction
time distributions from the inhibition of complex motor
sequences. Frontiers
in Computational Neurosciences, 9:87.
T. Teichert, D. Yu & V. Ferrera (2013).
Performance monitoring in monkey frontal eye field. The
Journal of Neuroscience 34(5), 1657-71.
T. Teichert, V. Ferrera & J. Grinband (2013).
Humans optimize decision-making by delaying decision onset.
One 10.1371.
D. Yu, T. Teichert & V. Ferrera (2012).
Attentional orienting to facial cues in rhesus macaques:
Effects of species-specificity, cue motion, and reward
predictiveness. Frontiers
in Psychology 2012;3:202.
J. Grinband, J. Savitskaya, T.D. Wager, T. Teichert, V.P.
Ferrera & J. Hirsch (2011). The dorsal medial
prefrontal cortex is sensitive to time on task, not response
conflict or error likelihood. NeuroImage,
J. Grinband, J. Savitskaya, T.D. Wager, T. Teichert, V.P.
Ferrera & J. Hirsch (2011).
Conflict, Error Likelihood and RT: Response to commentaries.
T. Teichert & V. Ferrera (2010).
Suboptimal integration of reward magnitude and prior reward
likelihood in categorical decisions by monkeys. Frontiers
in Decision Neuroscience,4:186.
T. Teichert, J. Grinband, J. Hirsch & V. Ferrera (2010).
Effects of heartbeat and respiration on macaque fMRI:
implications for functional connectivity. Neuropsychologia,
Ultrasound-based Drug Delivery
M. Downs, A. Buch, C. Sierra, M. Karakatsani, T. Teichert,
S. Chen, E. Konofagou & V. Ferrera (2015).
Long-term safety of repeated blood-brain barrier opening via
focused ultrasound with microbubbles in non-human
primates performing a cognitive task. PLoS
One 10(6).
T. Teichert*, F. Marquet*, S.-Y. Wu, Y.-S. Tung, M. Downs,
S. Want, C. Chen, V.
Ferrera, E. Konofagou (2013). Real-time, transcranial
monitoring of safe blood-brain
barrier opening in non-human primates. PLoS One. *Both
authors contributed equally.
F. Marquet, Y.-S. Tung, T. Teichert, V. Ferrera, E.
Konofagou (2011). Noninvasive,
transient and selective blood-brain barrier opening in
non-human primates in vivo. PLoS
One, 6(7).
Y.-S. Tung, F. Marquet, T. Teichert, V. Ferrera, E.
Konofagou (2011). Feasibility of Noninvasive
Cavitation-Guided Blood-Brain Barrier Opening Using FUS and
Microbubbles in Non-Human Primates. Applied
Physics Letters 98 163704.
Perisaccadic Perception
T. Teichert, S. Klingenhöfer, T. Wachtler & F.
Bremmer (2010). Perisaccadic shift as optimal
percept. Journal
of Vision, 10(9), 19, 1-15.
T. Teichert, S. Klingenhöfer, T. Wachtler & F.
Bremmer (2008). Depth perception during saccades. Journal of Vision , 8(14),
27, 1-13.
Visual Processing
T. Teichert, T.
Wachtler, F. Michler, A. Gail & R. Eckhorn (2007).
Investigation of scale-invariance of receptive field
properties in primary visual cortex. BMC Neuroscience 8(38).